Wednesday 29 July 2015

18-yr-0ld b0y Ra*pe 82-yr-0ld W0man F0r 4 Hours...What He Did Next Will Sh0ck Y0u [SEE PHOTO]

An elderly Brooklyn w0man was f0rced by her brutal rap1st t0 swear 0n a Bible that she w0uld n0t call p0lice 0r else he w0uld k!ll her, the victim’s family said Wednesday.

A relative of the 82-year-0ld w0man t0ld the NY Daily News that the victim is bruised fr0m head t0 t0e after surv1v1ng the 4 1/2-hour 0rdeal at her Brighton Beach home.

“She is not doing g00d,” the family member said Wednesday. “$he has n0t slept since this happened, and is very traumatized.”

The b@ttered w0man t0ld the relative that $uspect Asa Roberts, 18, f0rced her t0 $wear 0n a Bible that she w0uld n0t send the p0lice after him.

“He t00k @dvantage 0f the fact that she was religi0us,” the relative t0ld The News. “He made her $wear 0n a Jewish Bible that $he w0uldn’t call the police, m@king fun 0f her.”

The victim was s00 terrified that $he c@lled the fam1ly member 1nstead 0f the cops 0nce the attacker left around 6:30 a.m. Tuesday.
“$he even asked me afterward if she had br0ken her pledge, and I $aid, ‘N0, y0u didn’t call the p0lice. I called the police,’” the relative said.

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