Friday 23 October 2015

BLW AKA CHRIST EMBASSY President's investiture with Doctorate in Divinity Today.

The Benson Idahosa University will award the man of God, Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, with an honorary Doctorate degree in Divinity Today, October 23.

The University will hold a Special Convocation Ceremony for the award to the BLW President. In preparation for the Special Convocation, LoveWorld TV interviewed an academic on the significance of the Doctorate Degree in Divinity.

Watch the featured video for highlights. For the full LIVE coverage of the Special Ceremony today and an analysis of the significance of the award, watch LoveWorld TV SKY 586 or visit

LoveWorld News will also be bringing you LIVE updates from the event. To post your congratulations to the man of God on LoveWorld News, email

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