Saturday 7 November 2015

Commentator Caught Sleeping And Snoring On Live Tv During Champions League Game Gets Sacked

Dong Lu, a 46-year-old veteran Chinese pundit, was acting as co-comentator for LeTV’s coverage of the Real Madrid versus Paris Saint-Germain match on Wednesday when he dozed off. . 

In the footage of the match, Dong could be heard snoring at around the 79-minute mark. He had to stay up until 3:45am Beijing time, for kick-off of the match and fatigue got the better of him in the final 20 minutes. .

The incident had football fans across China laughing hard. His employers did not take it lightly, and despite his 20 years of experience analyzing football matches, he was fired afterwards..... 

However, his employers at LeTV did not take the incident as lightly, as the man with 20 years of experience analysing football matches was fired from his post soon after. Dong later apologised for the incident and vowed to continue his profession through his personal online blog.

1 comment:

Richard C. Lambert said...

Dong Lu, a 46-year-old veteran Chinese pundit, was acting as co-comentator for LeTV’s coverage of the Real Madrid versus Paris Saint-Germain match on Wednesday when he dozed off. . snore mouthpiece