Sunday 29 November 2015

Good News As For The First Time Women Were Allowed To Participates in Election in Saudi Arabia

Ruled by King Salman, the oil-rich state has no elected legislature but has faced intense western scrutiny over its human rights record.

The country’s first municipal elections were held in 2005, followed by another vote in 2011, but in both cases only men were allowed to participate.

“We will vote for the women even though we don’t know anything about them,” Um Fawaz, a teacher in her 20s, said in Hafr al-Batin city. “It’s enough that they are women.”

The absolute monarchy, which applies its strict interpretation of Islam, has faced widespread criticism for its lack of equal rights. Saudi Arabia is the only country where women are not allowed to drive. They must also cover themselves in black from head to toe in public and require permission from male family members to travel, work or marry.

The late King Abdullah introduced the elections in 2005 and said women would participate in this year’s vote. In 2013, he also appointed women to the Shura council, which advises the cabinet. Abdullah died in January and was succeeded by Salman, who stuck to the election timetable.

About 7,000 people are vying for seats on 284 municipal councils in the vote, the Saudi electoral commission said. Only about 131,000 women have signed up to vote, compared with more than 1.35 million men, out of a native Saudi population of almost 21 million.

Aside from transport problems, women say registration to vote was hindered by bureaucratic obstacles and a lack of awareness of the process and its significance.

There is also disappointment at the performance of local councils and their limited powers – restricted to streets, public gardens and rubbish disposal.

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