Tuesday 8 December 2015

Shocking Man Gets Eaten By 11ft Alligator While Hiding From Police In A Lake

Eyah, and he was such a handsome fellow... the wages of sin is death

A burglar was killed after he was eaten by an alligator while hiding from police. Matthew Riggins, 22 was hiding from police in a lake in Barefoot Bay, Florida, after attempting to steal from homes.

He had called his girlfriend to say he was being chased by police.

However, he never returned home and was reported missing the following day.

His body was later found in the lake but when rescuers pulled it from the water they were nearly attacked by an enormous alligator.

It was later killed and Riggins’ hand and foot were found in its stomach.

Speaking to Bay News, resident Laura Farris said: “He hid in the wrong place.”

What a terrible way to die...

UK Mirror

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