Monday 11 April 2016

Shocking! Man Receives E-mail From His Father Who Died Two Years Ago (See Photo)

A man has received some words from his father who passed away about two years before that day and has shared the content. 

The bereaved son has been sent an email from his father from 'beyond the grave', two years after he died.

The Reddit user posted last week about the email from his father, which begins: 'Hello Son, I am talking to you from the grave, wooooooooo. I always said I will come back and haunt you.'

The message continues: 'Seriously, by the time you read this, I will have passed on. Hopefully by now you have adjusted well enough to life without the old man and you have managed to help your mother adjust.

'I have complete confidence you will be taking just as good care of her as I did.' 

His father used a website called FutureMe, a service that lets you send emails to your future self or, if you're a registered user, you can also send them to other people. 

The father added: 'I have a few thoughts to share with you and a few insights which wet never got around to discussing in the last few months where I was still coherent (I'm imagining the morphine will have turned me into a bit of a vegetable. 

'Hopefully I entertained you with some decent hallucinations or jibber jabber). The first thing I want to say is just how proud I am...'

The email exerpt finishes there as the son explains that it 'gets personal' after that.

But in his post, the user - who goes by the name of Beersie_McSlurrp - said that his father also told him how proud he was that he had moved up the ranks of Border Security, to become Chief and that he loved him. 

The FutureMe site says: ‘Send your future self some words of inspiration. Or maybe give 'em swift kick in the pants. Or just share some thoughts on where you'll or what you'll be up to in a year, three years...more? And then we'll do some time travel magic and deliver the letter to you.’

The site recommends using a Gmail address or other webmail address, rather than a work one - as your future self might well have changed job.

But you can also go back into your email ‘to the future’ and alter it to ensure delivery.

The site allows you to send emails privately and anonymously, but publishes ‘public but anonymous’ excerpts of mails sent to various future selves.

FutureMe is not the only service that allows you to send messages as your future self, Afternote, Email From Deathand and Deathswitch are all dedicated to helping you send emails to loved ones when you have passed away.

Facebook also rolled out a legacy contact feature last year that lets users determine who manages their page after they die.

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