Thursday 14 April 2016

This Story of a Young Mum Who Gave Her Life to Save Her Daughter Will Melt Your Heart (Must Read)

Lauren Heath and her daughter

A young woman has exemplified the love of a mother for her child with one brave move that saved her daughter's life. 

The brave mum used her final moments to save her daughter's life by pushing her pram out the way of an oncoming lorry and then took the girl's place after she couldn't make it out in time.

Selfless Lauren Heath, 20, was killed at the scene when she was struck by the lorry in Reading, Berks., on Wednesday.

Her daughter Millie, who turns one on Monday, was only saved when quick-thinking Lauren pushed the tot out the way of the lorry's path just seconds before it hit her instead.

Paramedics raced to the scene in Basingstoke Road but tragically Lauren could not be saved.

Millie, who was Lauren's first child, suffered only a small cut in the accident. She was treated at the town's Royal Berkshire Hospital where she had stitches but has since been allowed home.

Lauren's heartbroken family said today: "Our daughter was such an amazing girl and the best mummy to Millie.

"She was her world and we are so proud that at the last time in her life she saved her baby girl."

Friends of Lauren, who lived with Millie's dad Kenny Hensley, have set up a fundraising page to support the little girl.

Lauren's family plans to pass all proceeds to Millie. It has already made nearly £3,000.

Friend Natasha Turner, who set up the fundraising site, said: "They were crossing over the road and they were nearly over but she hadn't seen the lorry.

"When she saw it she pushed Millie out of the way by only a couple of seconds and saved her life. What she did is typical of Lauren, she did everything for Millie and she was always there for Millie."

The scene of the accident where Lauren tragically died

Lauren had been excitedly planning her daughter's first birthday party in the weeks leading up the tragedy.

In her final Facebook post this week, Lauren wrote: "9 days till my cheeky girls birthday!! Where's my baby going?"

In another heartbreaking message written just a few weeks ago, Lauren posted a picture of her daughter with the words: "My number one forever & always. Our bond is unbreakable! So proud to be her mummy!"

Dozens of people have paid tribute to Lauren online.

Police are investigating the crash.

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