Saturday 2 April 2016

Unbelievable! Doctors Do The Unimaginable Save Man's Hand From Being Amputated by Burying it Inside His Stomach (Must See Photos)

Carlos Mariotti

Surgeons have done the unimaginable when they stuck a man's hand inside a 'pocket' in his stomach so as to save it from amputation. 

Pioneering surgeons have used a clever technique to save a Brazilian man’s hand from being amputated by creating a pocket for it INSIDE his BELLY.

According to Mirror Online, the doctors decided to bury Carlos Mariotti’s left hand inside his abdomen and cover it with a flap of protective skin, after the machine production operator suffered a horrific work accident that ripped off all the skin on his hand.

The 42-year-old, who lives in Orleans in the south of Brazil, must now keep his damaged mitt tucked deep in the soft tissue pouch for six weeks.

Orthopaedic and traumatology doctor, Boris Brandao, who performed the rare operation, said: “Mr Marriotti suffered a de-gloving injury which left him with very little skin on the palm and back of his hand, exposing the bones and tendons inside.

“This was a very large and delicate injury and the only place we could fit the whole hand was in the abdomen. Without this procedure, there would be a high risk of infection and the tissue and tendons would rot away.”

He added: “In order to keep the wounded hand alive, we opened the abdomen, took off the skin and put it inside the cavity to protect it. The patient’s hand must stay in the pocket for about 42 days to ensure it develops new tissue and tendon material which is capable of receiving a replanted skin graft.”

Mr Mariotti, who is recovering in the Santa Otília Hospital, said he feels like a very lucky man: “I still get very emotional when I think about the accident. But it was only when doctors told me I could lose my hand that I realised the gravity of the situation.

“When I woke up from the operation I didn’t know whether it was still there. I couldn’t believe it when they said they had tucked my hand inside me.”

The right-handed factory worker lost two fingers - his index and middle fingers - in the accident but said: “I am just so grateful because at least I will still be able to hold a fork, grip a steering wheel and dress myself without any help.”

Mr Mariotti was operating a machine that manufactures coils at the Zettapack Plastic factory, close to where he lives, when his hand was dragged into the heavy duty equipment.

The experienced factory worker was alone on the factory floor at the time and said he felt an “indescribable pain” as the machine chewed up his limb.

Mr Mariotti has been warned not to take his hand out of the pocket under any circumstances.

“Doctors have already drummed it in to me that pulling it out would be catastrophic and I’m making sure I don’t do that,” he said.

Cringing slightly, he added: “It’s a really weird feeling trying to wiggle my fingers inside my body and creepy seeing my tummy protrude slightly as I prod around.”

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