Thursday 9 July 2015

Benson Idahosa Universtiy Female Student Escaped 419 MEN

Benson Idahosa University which is a private school located at G.R.A Benin city is known to be a school attended by rich children has become a place for hoodlums to practice their evil act on unsuspecting students.

During the interview with the student, she said she boarded a taxi to ring road from her school gate. In the vehicle,there were two men inside the vehicle including the driver. She further stated that the diver picked one extra person which was a man.

The driver stopped the vehicle and said something is suspicious about the first man she meet inside the car. The driver asked the man to confess about the bag that was kept inside the boot or else he would call the police. The boy confessed and said that he didn't steal the money, its his oga's money, the alhaji that he works for.

He said his boss died in Saudi_arabia due to an illness. The boy and other worker took the boss money and decided to run with it but it wasn't possible because there was charm wrapped around the money. The boy said the charm shocked him once but didn't shock him again because his oga has promised him money so he said the charm wont harm him.

The driver and the other passagers decided they were going to split the money and also give her own share about $1000000 each but they should keep quiet about it. The driver also advice the boy to give his life to Christ, Sow the money as seed and never tell anyone about what happened. The second passenger said he knows a prophet that delivered his sister of madness  so the prophet can break the curse that is in the money. When all these were happening, the student was quite and thinking of how she could leave the vehicle without acting nervous.

The vehicle got to where the prophet was, this was around Uselu benin city. Before the prophet got into the car, the driver told the passengers not to tell the prophet the truth. He warned them to tell the prophet that the boy works for him (the driver) and that they met the charm in front of his office where they decided to contact the prophet to remove the curse. The prophet said he saw a vision of someone from Kano with a bag of money which he took from his boss. He prophesied that the money is cursed by his boss with a spell he got from Mecca. He also said that the spell is yet to harm the boy because his boss promised him a better life before his terminal sickness that requires him to be flown abroad. He said the boy and the money is in this vehicle now.

The driver said it was true and apologized for lying. According to the BIU student, the prophet then prophesied that they are all now bound by the spell, he told them the only way to break the curse is to buy a Muslim mat, pour the money on the mat, hold hands and pray for the spell to be broken. He said that the curse has affected the money in their pocket so they should bring it for him to remove the curse also. The prophet said that the charm protects money and if they should tell anyone about it they will die. The driver asked the girl if she has any money on her or her ATM card so that the prophet can pray and liberate them. She said she wasn't with her ATM card or money. The prophet asked her where she is from and what’s her parent occupation. The girl lied about her family details but they keep pressuring her to go home and get any money she can lay hands on so that the curse can be broken. They promise to give her part of the money which according to the prophet worth 35 million naira.

The young lady agreed to their plan but pleaded that they should stop her where she could get a taxi to her school. They agreed but requested for her phone number, they told her that they will be coming to her school shortly to pick her up.

When she got to her school, she went in search of her pastor but on getting there she met her former cell leader and explained everything. She went to the police station to lay a complain.

When asked her advice to fellow BIU student and the public at large she said they should be prayerful, use wisdom in all situations and be mindful of the taxi they board especially at BIU gate
this period and also not to move late @nite.

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